A Rocket shooting beyond the stars

Some students don’t find clubs and organizations within our school to be interesting. 

Senior Nevaeh Sturrup, involved in three clubs and a sport, doesn’t fall into that category. 

Sturrup is in the National Honor Society, DECA, Student Council, and varsity soccer, three of which she holds a leadership position. In the NHS, she is the historian, in DECA, she is president, and in the student council, she is the public relations officer. 

“There’s definitely pressure. You have to have hard conversations with your advisor sometimes, but pushing that fear away, and fully immersing yourself in those leadership roles is important,” Sturrup said. 

Along with the pressure she faces, she lets other students know that being heavily involved does come with a price. 

“You have to sacrifice free time and some weekends. Even within your clubs, you might have to sacrifice one thing for the other if you’re double booked, and choose what’s more important,” Sturrup said.

However, it is possible to have fun outside of school. Nevaeh suggests that if it doesn’t work out, to live in the moments with the people involved in the same things as you, so it won’t feel like you’re missing out on anything. 

“I make time for myself to have fun outside of what I’m doing, but also try to find the fun in what I am doing,” Sturrup said. “I have dropped a club this year that I did last year because I knew I wouldn’t be able to put my all into it, and that’s not fair. I think the big thing is that in order to have time, you have to plan accordingly. Make sure you’re committed to what you’re doing, or you’ll figure out that you’re more stressed, than feeling the benefits of it.” 

Mental health plays a big role in this game too. Taking time to decompress is an easy way Sturrup copes with any stress that may come. 

“I take some time for myself at the end of the day,” Sturrup said. “Even if what I’m doing gets me home late at night, and even when I am tired, I still take that extra time to decompress in my room before I go to bed, so I can let go before the next day.” 

Grades can be hard to maintain while keeping a busy schedule though it can become easier with the right mindset. 

“When it comes to school, I just set a standard for myself that I can’t let myself fall behind and jeopardize my grades,” Sturrup said. 

Once the stress is handled, extra-curricular activities can be much more enjoyable, realizing more friends can be made. Those that share similar interests will more likely get along and build genuine relationships. 

“When you’re involved in a lot, you can meet a lot of people and you become recognized across campus. That’s good because when people need something, or they have questions, they can go to you for that. It creates a more comfortable atmosphere wherever you are, there’s someone you’re going to know,” Sturrup said.

In the future, when you look at your high school memories, you want to be reminded of organizations you were involved in. You don’t want to regret not joining a club, or not going all out on spirit days. 

“I want people to be more active in the school. I know a lot of people think participating in spirit weeks or coming to student events are lame, but what makes it lame is when people don’t participate. When the student body participates, the clubs feel appreciated for allowing us to influence the school better,” Sturrup said. “When these four years are over, and you graduate, you don’t want to look back and realize you didn’t get as much from school as you could have,” Sturrup said. 

Being in multiple clubs can be possible. Not only is it fun, but it can be beneficial as well. Next time you think of joining a club, do it. You only live once.