Campus opens Care Closet
Photo By: Mr. Cabrera
Staff tour the opening of the campus’ Care Closet. The room is open for any student in need of basic needs.
On October 22, led by counselor Tabitha Bazaldua, the campus introduced a Care Closet for students who are in need of extra clothes or hygiene products.
The room contains donated clothes and hygiene products like shampoo, body wash, etc. for kids and their families who got affected financially by the pandemic.
“We started the Care Closet simply out of a need that I saw—that we saw, as counselors, that students needed. Through the pandemic, there’s been a lot of loss, and some of [those] losses come with jobs,” Bazaldua said.
The Care Closet is a judgment-free zone where students can look for clothes that they want and take as much as they need.
“It’s one thing when something is given to you, it’s one thing when, ‘hey, here you go this is for you,’ it’s another thing when you have the opportunity to get what you want. And so one of my visions for the idea of the Care Closet was for it to be a place where students can go and feel comfortable, not feel judged, and willing to be able to get that sense of self-worth and value,” Bazaldua said.
The kids who are able to benefit from getting the extra needs will be greatly impacted.
“The hope is that it’ll positively impact them as a young person, and them feeling support that they are worthy of having whatever it is that they need, even when they’re struggling, and then hopefully also inspire them to give back when they’re able to,” Bazaldua said.
The students who are in need, will gain a sense of confidence and recognize that they have value.
“As young people—even as adults—that self-esteem and that self-confidence—you know when ‘we look good, we feel good.’ But it means so much more to your value, and yourself, and your confidence to say, ‘I like this, and I want this,’ versus someone who really doesn’t know you choose them for you,” Bazaldua said.
To gain access to the Care Closet, students can contact Ms. Bazaldua or Ms. Moreno, or they can fill out a Google Form via QR code.
Anyone can donate clothes and products by contacting Ms. Bazaldua or Ms. Moreno via email or by calling the school to let them know that they are interested in donating.
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