Computer Science Club Looking To Recruit
More stories from Darian Fernandez
Photo By: Claudia Quiroz
There are many clubs at Judson High School, and they are all great. But one small group has been highly successfully, yet fairly unnoticed.
Our computer science club is one of the most successful clubs on campus, and there are many benefits to joining this club. You can learn a lot more about computers, which is essential in this economy as most high paying jobs are technology based. Meetings are every Tuesday after school and they run from about 4:45 to 5:15 pm.
The Computer-Science Club has won UIL district competition for five consecutive years, yet haven’t won state. “We’re very proud of our accomplishments,” sponsor John Alamo said. “It is an academic competition so the kids really have to work hard to master the material and compete.”
In the future, much of our society will be technology based, if it isn’t already. Joining this club will definitely help with that, instilling computer science knowledge, and other technology based information, into the students. “Computer Science is all about learning how to program computers,” Alamo said. “Everything that you use on a computer is a program that somebody wrote.”
Joining The Computer Science Club has loads of benefits, including $65,000 a year if you graduate college with a computer science degree. “There’s going to be a big demand for programmers for the next foreseeable years,” Mr. Alamo said.