Dirty Dodgers win dodge ball tournament

Aidalice Rodriguez

More stories from Aidalice Rodriguez

Review: Tomb Raider
March 23, 2018

On Tuesday, April 10, Thursday, April 12 and Friday, April 13, the juniors and seniors, as a way to have fun and pass time during testing, competed in a dodgeball tournament.

During the first two days, the teams competed between their grade level until one team came up victorious. The winning senior team was the Dirty Dodgers and the winning junior team was GSO.

“We had fun and we enjoyed competing,” junior Michael Washington said. “Overall, we had a good time.”

On Friday, the two winning teams competed against each other in a head-to-head match. After two grueling games and a couple of ties, The Dirty Dodgers came out with the win.

“The word ‘exhilarating’ would be an understatement,” senior Andrea Matthews said. “It was memorable and extremely fun.:

After the winner was chosen, they went up against a team of staff, in which the seniors defeated the teachers, with not much difficulty.

“It was different to see them in a different setting from the classroom to the court,” senior Crystal Boswell Said. “One of the greatest memories I’ll hold dearly [will be] playing in a competitive setting against them.”