Fine arts: An essential part of student’s lives
Everyone needs an outlet. Fine arts have been around since human beings learned to create physical art, entertain, and express themselves in ways other than speech. Many teenagers find that fine arts serve as one of the most expressive and most helpful outlets. Some Judson students, however, feel that the impact of fine arts in their lives goes far beyond the obvious.
Fine arts help students better communicate their feelings through those arts. Sophomore choir member Kimber Preece has discovered over the last eight years how impactful the art of music can be through self expression.
“Music gives me an outlet to express myself in a way that words can’t. I am able to convey my emotions and feelings in a more impactful way when I make music,” sophomore choir member Kimber Preece said.
Studies from the University of Nevada show that different types of music affect the mood you’re in. If the music is slow and relaxing, you will typically feel calmer. Students find that if they are going through a hard time, music helps to change that mood around.
“Music makes me feel liberated. I specifically felt this way at our last choir concert. We sang a song called ‘All Things New,’ and it was about how even after really hard times, good days will come. When we sang this song I felt free and like I was a part of something much bigger than just myself,” Preece said
Many students fall for a love of the arts at a younger age, and it gives them an early start to their career. In junior Gabriela Hernandez’ case, being a stage manager at a young age has helped her to build the essential leadership qualities she will need in order to become a professional.
“Coming in as a freshman stage manager, I was so incredibly underqualified and so scared to be a high schooler but being in theater and doing something I’m good at really helped me build confidence as a leader and person. Also, it’s a great place to be when I know I need an escape,” Hernandez said.
With that outlet, students shape themselves into who they want to become. For Hernandez, who has plans on working in technical theater one day, her time in the theater department has been valuable.
“[Theater] has given me an environment to grow in the career I want to be in in the future. It has given me so many friends and opportunities for growth and overall just has put me in a good place in life,” Hernandez said.
Music makes connections and strengthens bonds. Some band students, including junior Janae Thomas, find that parents have been more supportive by going to their concerts. This makes her feel better about herself because her mom is supporting her in her musical journey.
“Band in itself has helped with many of my hardships. My relationship with my mother has been extremely rocky since starting high school, but I feel like music has helped rekindle that,” Thomas said.
Fine arts have become an essential part of our world and culture. It has shaped our society. The world would not be as enjoyable if they didn’t exist.
“Without fine arts of any kind, the world wouldn’t be as it is. Culture wouldn’t be unique without specific arts or music. Our society wouldn’t be that diverse without our different fine arts. We become so connected with our shared love of the arts that it brings us together as a whole,” Thomas said.