Judson Starts An Alliance
More stories from Mary Williams

The logo for the Judson Alliance.
Gay-Straight alliances are in-school clubs that have been attracting a lot of attention recently. It is a place where students, both gay and straight allies, can go to have a safe place to talk free of judgment. “It’s a place students can go to feel comfortable”, says journalism adviser Pedro Cabrera. Though the GSA is new to Judson High School, it is already attracting lots of members.
“I definitely want to come back,” sophomore Christine Henderson said.
“I look forward to seeing how the rest of the year will go,” sophomore Kelly Rogers said.
The club meets every other Thursday, and is in the process of electing four officers: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
Along with Cabrera, there are also counselors ready available to talk to students about anything they do not feel comfortable sharing with everybody or if they just need an adult to vent to.
“It took a long time for me to want to do it, but my friends and colleagues convinced me that it was needed,” Cabrera said.
At the end of each meeting, members can anonymously write down any questions they are too uncomfortable to say out loud. Five questions will be chosen at random and answered, possibly answering questions other people may be scared to ask. But on the first meeting, held on Thursday November 6th, only a few students introduced themselves and began to get to know each other due to over 50 students showing up.
“I want to have activities specific to this group of people and have conversations with them that they might not have the opportunity to otherwise have,” Cabrera said.
The GSA has already made its impact on Judson High School as a support system for all students, even those who choose to show their support simply by buying a t-shirt. The GSA is already gaining lots of supporters and is on its way to being one of the many well-known and respected clubs on campus.