Leaving my newspaper family

My sophomore year, I joined The Fuel newspaper staff.

It was not what I expected it to be.

At first, I was scared and nervous about the new beginnings that were to come. But after meeting everyone and getting to know one another, I wasn’t as nervous as I was before.

Weeks went by and I was already feeling at home. I enjoyed everyone’s company and I loved how open, comfortable, and honest we were towards each other.

Being a part of the newspaper staff was like a dream come true to me. I got to meet and interview coaches, inspiring students, and athletes. I got to know their story. But what I loved most was I got to interact with people who have been writing since there sophomore year. I got to learn from the best.

But outside of school was way different for me than inside. At home, I knew the love between my parents was fading away because they began to simply talk less. A lot of the time, we had separate breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. If one parent was in the house, the other one wasn’t.

But also, with my mom going through pain all day because of her illness, she wasn’t herself. Coming home everyday was a struggle because I knew they (my parents) would be arguing and that especially wasn’t good for her conditions.

My mom grew tired of it so we planned out to start a new beginning out of state in Maryland.

Moving and learning about my new school is tough. But I had learned that they have a newspaper and yearbook class. So, I will be able to continue to do what I love  – write. Although I am leaving my newspaper family, the family I grew to love outside of my own, I will always remember where my love for writing started.