What’s something that you’ve always wanted to learn or explore, but never had the chance to?
“I always thought music production was cool. Artists like “Dilla,” “Tyler the Creator” or “Ye” are really cool to me because of how they turn creativity into sound, but that stuff takes time that I don’t have.”
What’s something that you find yourself constantly curious about and why?
“I think about what ‘normal’ is, a lot. My little brother is on the spectrum, but he’s one of the best kids I know, even when he has his goofy moments. He’s just as normal as neurological kids, so it just makes me wonder why we have to separate them.”
If you could live in any fictional world for a year, where would it be and why?
“‘One Piece’ definitely. The world is beautiful, and you could get very strong, very fast if you try hard. I also just want to give Chopper a hug.”
If you had a personal theme song, what would it be and why?
“It really depends on the day. If you asked me yesterday, I might have a different answer, but as of right now, ‘Chapter Six’ by Kendrick Lamar. It’s so chill, and would be good to have playing in the background while I go about my day.
What’s the best piece of advice that you’ve ever received?
“‘Nobody is born into this world to be alone’ – Saul from ‘One Piece’”