Orange is not the new black
Photo By: Time Magazine
The only reason Donald Trump should have beat Hillary Clinton is because… when I was a kid, I wanted to be the first female president.
I would look at the place mat my mother bought me with all the presidents on it and think, “I wanna be up there with all those great leaders who made our country a better place.”
But I would have gladly given up that dream to Clinton if it meant Trump wouldn’t be president.
He ran a very divisive campaign, seemingly dividing us rather than bring us together. He will not make a good president, let alone a good “businessman” for the country.
Many Trump supporters claim that Trump will miraculously bring us out of debt, a debt that we have been in since the birth of our country in 1775 to pay for the Revolutionary War, according to
What Trump supporters fail to realize is the government can’t claim bankruptcy like Trump has done numerous times. Once we “lose” our money, it’s gone. There is no higher government to ask money from because the United States spent all of its allowance. Unless Trump plans on paying back all the debt himself, all $18 trillion according to PBS, it’s not getting done in four years.
At the announcement of his 2015 campaign, he started off his journey by referring to Hispanics as “criminals and rapists.” Later, he seemed to “own” an African-American supporter by calling the supporter “his African-American.”
Trump even stated that we should temporarily ban all Muslims from the country, even going as far as to say we should label Muslims to make them more identifiable, like Hitler did the Jews in World War II. By Trump attacking cultures and religions, it’s shows his one sidedness and disregard for American things that are… different from him.
Lastly, Trump has also made very bothersome and quite disgusting remarks about women. In his now infamous interview, he made an especially cringe worthy remark saying “I don’t think my daughter Ivanka would pose for Playboy, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said Ivanka weren’t my daughter perhaps I’d be dating her.”
In another video released, it showed Donald Trump saying that women “want” him because he is rich and powerful and he continued on by saying that he would grab women inappropriately.
He has apologize for saying each of these things, but only after being told that he couldn’t say it. He had to be told to apologize, like a child being forced by his mother to apologize to another child.
When I buy my children a place mat with the presidents on it, I will see the overly tanned mess next to our first black president. I will forever feel the shame of the 2016 election and the four years that followed. This is not what we meant by orange is the new black.