Struggling with seasonal depression

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The current winter weather has a huge impact on those struggling with seasonal depression, which, quite literally, is depression only during a certain time of year. 

“Usually it happens around the fall or winter when people who are more sensitive to change in climate, change in the season. It usually ends when the sun starts to come out, and the days are a lot brighter,” Cruz said.

Although depression is very much real, this is not a term that should be used casually. 

“The word depression is used quite often. It’s important to understand that there are differences. Sometimes students are going through kind of a time that is challenging but is not necessarily diagnosed as depression. One way to remember seasonal depression is the acronym S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder),” head counselor Joanne Cruz said. 

Because thoughts of depression can get overwhelming, there are a few simple tasks to do to help keep your mind clear. 

“Find things that you enjoy. Find things that you’re passionate about. Go outside and spend 10 minutes out in the sunlight a day. That can improve your mood,” counselor Ashley Solomon said. 

You are not alone in this. There are more people willing to help than you think.

“Find somebody that you can talk to, whether that’s your school counselor, a good friend, or someone in your family. If you are feeling down, and really needing help, you can call the crisis line at 988,” Solomon said. 

Having a support system is very helpful when dealing with seasonal depression. Surround yourself with people that care about you and can help you through this time. 

“Something that has helped a lot is realizing that I needed the help. Not only from others, but medication as well. I am very lucky to have family, friends, and a significant other who cares and worries about my mental health and check up on me and try to involve me in things that they know I’ll enjoy and help me feel better,” junior Susie Smith* said. 

It can become a struggle for many, feeling they are incapable of completing tasks that otherwise come easy. 

“It affects me in school because I get so unmotivated to get anything done or to even show up. I’m usually the type to get everything done right away once handed to me, but during my seasonal depression it’s like I physically can’t get to finish anything,” junior Tina Wallace* said. 

It’s easier to go through this with the mindset that it will eventually pass. Personally, I like to say to myself, “tomorrow will be a better day.

“It’s seasonal for a reason. Sooner or later it’ll go away. It might seem like a never ending cycle but sooner or later you’ll be back to yourself,” Wallace said. 

If you struggle with seasonal depression, and have thoughts of self-harm, please call the Crisis Hotline at 988. 

You are not alone. 

*Names changed for privacy purposes