Thank You For Your Service
Veterans Day; a day dedicated to honoring the fallen and those who have risked their lives in the fight for freedom. Every eleventh of November since 1919, Americans celebrate those who have had to sacrifice so much for the better of this country.
According to, this momentous day was originally called Armistice Day and began after the one year anniversary of the end of WW1
To many people, Veterans Day is just another holiday that gets them out of school or work. However, as a military brat, Veterans Day means so much more.
My parents have been in the military for my entire life. Everything that I do is revolved around the military. I grew up eating leftover MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat) my father brought back from the fields and had to move to a new state every few years.
I could not imagine it any other way.
Living so closely to the military, I have witnessed the impact that it can have on those who have served and are currently in service. I will always remember the moment when my mom’s best friend had a panic attack because the Fourth of July fireworks triggered her memories of war. I have experienced the hardship of saying goodbye to both my parents as they depart to a foreign country and the fear of not knowing if they will return home safely. I have witnessed my father in pain as he recovered from a bullet that was supposed to leave him dead.
While I have been witness to some of the unfavorable impacts the military has had on those involved, I have been blessed with the opportunity to closely experience the impact and change that our brave soldiers have initiated. I have watched the camaraderie between adults as they share memories of being overseas. I have been a part of beautiful and emotional reunions after not seeing those I love for long periods of time. In all, I have grown to be grateful for those in my life after realizing that the next day is never promised.
As we reach the 98th anniversary of Veterans Day, I hope that others recognize all that our veterans have done for this country. Through their services and sacrifices, United States civilians are able to live their life in a free country. And for them, I will be forever grateful.