$uicideboy$ concert review

On Monday September 26th, 2022 the famous band $uicideboy$ performed in San Antonio Texas at the Freeman Coliseum. I fortunately was able to attend. The concert started at 6:30 with the opening performer, DJ Scheme. His first song was “I Miss The Rage ” by Trippie Redd; this song set the tone for the whole concert. As soon as the beat dropped a hole in the pit opened and people had already started to mosh. In rap and metal culture this is rare; usually the first song, or act is where people begin to get comfortable but it’s rare they begin to mosh on the first song.
Despite his good first impression the energy in the room began to diminish after 3 songs. Personally for me I didn’t fully enjoy his set, most of his songs were based on tributes to late singers, such as Juice WRLD, and XXXTENTACION. Despite the dip in energy, Scheme was able to bring the hype back with his last song “LOOK AT ME” by XXXTENTACION. To close his set Scheme acknowledged the crowd and made a heartfelt announcement stating that we are all family, and if anyone in the mosh falls, to immediately stop and help pick them up.
The second performer began his set at about 7 pm, this unfortunately was my least favorite performer of the whole night. He was unsuccessful in making the crowd more hyped and for the first time in my life I had seen people begin to sit in the mosh pit areas out of boredom. Despite his efforts, the crowd was unimpressed with his offbeat mumble rap set.
Despite the major let down of the previous performer, the next set, performed by a heavy metal/rock band Code Orange, definitely brought the energy back. Their first song immediately opened a hole in the pit and people began to get into the music with intense mosh pits. This was one of the best sets of the whole night. After a couple more songs the whole crowd was so ecstatic; the lead singer of the band even acknowledged the hype and jumped off stage to crowd surf. To conclude their set, the whole band ended with emphasizing to the crowd to should make sure everyone around them is okay, and if anyone should fall or get hurt in the mosh pit, to immediately stop.
$not was the last performer before the main show, the whole crowd was hyped and ready for him to come on stage. My heart was racing and the adrenaline was insane. When he first came on stage the energy felt off. Unfortunately, I believe this was one of his worst shows, his whole set felt rushed and unorganized. Even though the music wasn’t the best, the crowd was still able to maintain the energy, which led to him jumping in the crowd and leading the mosh. This was one of the coolest parts of the night because it’s really rare to see big performers engage that much with the crowd. Even though his performance was not what I had expected, I still give him props for showing us how much he enjoys performing live.
About ten minutes before the performance, while the stage and lights were being set up, a crowd of fans rushed the pit section to join the wristband only section. Ruby Da Cherry acknowledged the crowd and told them to stop and go back to their seats before they cancel the show.
At last, the stage was ready for the main show. The stage was covered with a big white cloth so that no one could see. As soon as the clock turned 9 the lights dimmed and the cloth dropped. The opening song was Genesis, their first song on their most recent album, and one of my personal favorites. The energy this song brought to the crowd was insane, everyone was standing, cheering, and overflowing with pure excitement. I honestly think this is the best song they could have started with, especially because the song explains that they don’t need an introduction.
The next few songs were from their two newest albums, The Long Term Effects of Suffering, and Sing Me a Lullaby My Sweet Temptation. Some of the songs they sang were, “Eulogy”, “Materialism as a Means to an End”, and “Avalon”.
The crowd was bursting with energy, this is when Ruby and Scrim took a brief pause to thank all of their fans for being one of the first cities they ever performed in. They also re-emphasized that family takes care of each other and to make sure if someone gets injured to immediately help them. After this heartfelt message the duo took us on a trip down memory lane with their more classic hits from 2016, this was personally my favorite part of the concert.
The first throw back song was one of their most popular songs, “Antarctica”. Watching Ruby and Scrim perform “Antarctica” is a memory I will never forget, in that moment I felt as though the song was being sung only to me. It was an extreme amount of emotions from the words they sang and the energy the crowd gave.
The next song was “Runnin’ thru the 7th with my woadies”, which was my favorite song of the whole night. Everyone in the crowd sang in unison the intro of the song. In that moment it felt like the world was bigger than me, it was beautiful to see this whole group of people who share the love of this duo come together in that one moment.
The last song Ruby and Scrim performed was, “…And To Those I’ve Loved Before Thanks For Sticking Around”. This was the best song to end with, a classic everyone knows but also a song full of emotions. The crowd sang from the beginning of the song to the very end. When the song ended, I felt tears fill my eyes, it was a beautiful performance.
To end the show Scrim talked about his struggle with mental illness. He expressed how his passion is to make us, the fans, feel something; to give us hope that life can be what you make it. He stressed that no matter what we go through, we can still be okay. He stated that it takes time, but one thing that helped him was to reach out. Personally this is one of my favorite concerts I’ve ever been to. The amount of energy and love you could feel from both Ruby and Scrim was magnificent.
The $uicideboy$ have one more week left in their tour before taking a break, to focus on new music and future tours. One thing I know for sure is when they come back to San Antonio I will see them in concert again.