With a change in leadership, girls basketball looks forward to a successful season

Photo By: Alexis Perry

New head coach Cristina Comacho coaches her girls during the game against Incarnate Word. Taking over the program is a huge challenge, but she has made it clear that she is looking forward to the challenge.

November 5, 2021, was the beginning of the 2021-22 season for the Judson High School girls basketball team. 

Before the beginning of this season, the basketball girls went through a transition, adding three new coaches to the program and closing a chapter from former Coach Triva Corrales to new head coach, Cristina Comacho.

Although it was an adjustment at first, like any change, the teams and the coaches have prepared to face this season head-on and compete to their fullest potential. 

“I’ve been coaching for 34 years and this being my first year coaching as the Judson Girls Basketball coach has been tremendous. Getting to know the girls have been great and the staff has made it an easy transfer,” Comacho said.

Like any revamp, turning over a new leaf is hard and takes a while to get used to.  Through hard work and dedication, the ending result shouldn’t change. 

“I want to continue this program’s reputation by trying to get the athletes to believe in what we’re trying to do. ‘New beginnings, same results’ is our motto that drives us for this season. Is success going to come automatically? No, but every day is a learning experience and I see the girls growing and becoming better every day. We’re trying to instill in them that it’s bigger than just basketball. It’s about character development as well and how you treat your teammates off and on the court,” Comacho said.  

The culture is beginning to shift in a positive way. The passion for the sport and love for the girls is what drives Comacho to push forward. 

“Even though we took an L our first game, I don’t think of the L as a loss, but more of a lesson, not only for me, but for the girls as well. All we can do now is learn and move forward,” Comacho said. 

Like any sport, the players face adversity, but overcoming it is what separates a good athlete from a great athlete. 

“Mentally, at times, basketball can be challenging. You have to be headstrong, in the right mental state. Physically, you can’t slack. You have to be on it in order to reach your level of success. The moment you aren’t on your game is when it can all go downhill,” junior Ariana Rodriguez said. 

The girls endure these stressful moments to prove to themself they have what it takes. 

“Especially in my position, being a power forward, I’m short, which makes it harder to rebound at times. However, because of how hard I play and me not being intimidated by who comes my way, I’m not phased by these things at all. All it does is motivate me to go harder,” senior Amria Mabry said. 

At the end of the game, like any sport, the end goal is to win games and push the team towards a playoff run.

“We all have our hard days. In the end, we all have a job and we know what we need to do, to get it done,” junior Kaitlyn Carter said. 

The girls basketball team is full of athletes that are willing to do what is needed, to come out on top. The staff, along with the players are excited to see what this season has to bring. The next girls basketball game will be on November 23, 2021.

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