Chick-Fil-A Steps Up For Third Rocket Pride Award Luncheon
More stories from Mr. Cabrera
Photo By: Mr. Cabrera
Students of the second Rocket Pride Award watch this years Lip Dub with Mr. Hernandez.
In an effort to recognize more students on campus, a group of teachers came together to start The Rocket Pride Award, an award given to students who show improvement in grades, improvement in behavior, school spirit, having a positive attitude, or being someone’s hero by simply doing good things for someone else.
The third luncheon was a larger group that the second, with 30 students being recognized for their work.
“The an awesome fact that this committee is committed to recognizing more students, and that the teachers are recognizing more students,” committee member Mr. Pedro Cabrera said.
Every single teacher on campus is asked to nominate a student they feel epitomizes the criteria above. Once they submit their student’s name, the committee picks a certain amount of students to celebrate. The students will have a luncheon with Principal Hernandez and other administrators. This is a chance for teachers and administrators to not only celebrate these kids, but also talk to them about what is going great at Judson High School, and what can administrators and teachers possible do to make their high school experience better. It is about catching kids being good.

When one restaurant ended up cancelling in the 11th hour, the neighborhood Chick-Fil-A stepped up and donated 30 lunch meals for the students. This is the second time that Chick-Fil-A has stepped up for the students, and have also expressed helping out for the rest of the luncheons throughout the year.
“We were thinking of postponing this luncheon until we got a sponsor,” committee member Dawn Keane-Dawes said. “I am so thankful for Chick-Fil-A.”
With the efforts of Chick-Fil-A, and the committee members, the third Rocket Pride Award luncheon was a success.