Review: Ray Goren
More stories from Arica Hawkins
Photo By: Warren Hill
Ray Goren, 15, has worked with widely known artists such as Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce, and is now stepping out on his own. His first EP, recorded with Jay Vee Records and produced by Grammy award winning artist Steve Jordan, titled “Songs For You”, was released on October 21st, 2015.
Goren’s album is full of lively songs that create a sense of adventure. He is able to turn the hours of darkness into a bright good time. Songs such as, “Light My Fire” and “Song For Me” give a vibe of having fun and being spontaneous. Rather than heartbreak, it explains the great heart thumping moments.
“Song For Me” is a particular song that stands out on Goren’s EP. It speaks about being yourself and having fun while you do it. Goren explains that he is a free spirit that doesn’t “give a damn.”
“I ain’t [trying to] be the man they want me to be,” Goren sings, expressing that he has his mind in the clouds, indulging in his confidence.
“Song For Me” is a funk filled song that is relatable to the way our generation ticks, acting on one’s desires, and ignoring outsiders thoughts and opinions.
The song, “It’s On You”, also differs in the way that rather than an upbeat song, he changes the style from his previous songs and slows it down to speak about a rather serious topic of a difficult time. Goren’s ability to soulfully sing about a tragic love and how he learned from the pain and experience gives a calming feeling and a look into Gorens broken heart.
But even with a rather sad theme, Goren still manages to make the listener want to hit the replay button, again and again, just to listen to his tranquil lyrics and voice.
The multi-talented young artist gives us a look into his creative mind. In this album, he teaches lessons with fashionable rhythms and catchy tunes. His lyrics are soulful.
Unlike most young artists today, Goren does not sing about sex and other obscure subjects. Instead, he speaks of lost love, confidence within yourself, and a world lost in corruption. Overall, the album was an amazing look into the talented heart of Goren. It was rather meaningful and worthy of more views. Goren is sure to make history with his music.