Taking time to make the campus shine
Without the custodial staff, the campus does not operate
More stories from Arica Hawkins
Photo By: Claudia Quiroz
The building’s temperature dipped dramatically as Peter Halderman, the head custodian on campus, perspires despite the cold. His dedication and willing to work for the function and well-being of the bodies on campus can visibly be shown.
The custodian staff works hard, denying their own wants and needs to come to campus and maintain the cleanliness every day, even for some weekend events and student holidays.
Halderman moved to Judson to lead our custodial staff. However, this isn’t simply about him. There are nine men and seven women behind the scenes, maintaining a healthy school for the nearly 4,000 students and 300 staff members.
According to Alice Walker, “Thank You” is the best prayer that anyone can say. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility and understanding. These are two simple words that can stumble past our lips in two seconds. They can mean a world to a person that may feel under appreciated. Unfortunately, the custodial stuff rarely hears this.
“No,” Halderman said, “Not very often [do we get thanked].”
The custodians wake up remarkably early – at the crack of dawn, to open the doors of the campus and began their day. They spend the majority of their day on their feet, attending to the campus needs. Their duties include cleaning after the students and teachers rooms, opening every single door to the bathrooms, offices and classrooms; and numerous other tiny things to make sure the day runs smoothly.
It’s time consuming work.
“[The custodians] have to maintain cleanliness of classrooms, restrooms and other facilities,” Halderman said. “They set up for events on a daily basis. They have to identify work orders and jobs that need to be put in, and maintain H-Vac systems, whether it’s hot or cold.”
It’s common sense to pick up after ourselves. Students shouldn’t depend on adults to clean up after maturing adults. Sadly, because we do, we ought to at least acknowledge them and say the thank you Walker expects.
“[The custodians] work hard, day in and day out to maintain the school at a cleanliness standard,” said Halderman.
Your custodial staff consists of Martha Grant Beard, Maria Coward, Rodolfo Rodriguez, Ramiro Siller, Patrica Lewl, Rafael Esterez, Martha Martinez, HiLaria Vasquez, Maria Guerrero, Juan Takai, Sydnie Tate, Sergio Guzman, Robin Joseph, Gregory Thornton, and Melton Mellard
Thank You.