Band ends marching season on a high note

More stories from Jennifer Gutierrez
Photo By: Madalynn Lambert
On Saturday, November 4, the proud Judson Rocket band performed their award winning show, “On the Horizon,” one last time at the USBands Remo Series Finale in Round Rock, Texas.
“It was a humbling experience for all of us, especially for the seniors since it was our last competition. I’m glad that this season ended on a high note,” senior Alex Gutierrez said.
In the prelims performance, the band won first place in the 4A category along with Best Music, Best Color Guard and Best Visual. This placement boosted the band’s mood since the run was not meeting their expectations.
“Our prelims performance was a little rocky, but we were lucky enough to get a second chance at finals,” senior Karyme Reyna said.
During finals, the band finished second overall with the best performance of the show all year. Their score was only two points away from Dripping Springs, which is one of the best bands of the state.
“It was the best performance everyone could have given, and I know the seniors are proud of what we accomplished,” Reyna said.
The band has been working hard since August and it has definitely shown due to receiving first place in multiple competitions and amazing the football crowd during half time.
“It was one of those shows that was not really good until it was great, so in the beginning, I was skeptical,” senior Katie Ruder said. “But, by the end of the season, we had a show we could be really proud of. The title is not as legendary as Mirage, but the show itself has earned a legendary reputation. I am happy that it is my swan song.”
Although the marching varsity band has finished their season, the three sections split up to work on new projects. The drumline is preparing for their final competition this Saturday, November 11, at South Texas Drumline Classic at Brandeis High School.
Despite transitioning to either winter guard or concert band, many band members are looking forward to the future marching season and the excitement that it will bring.
“I am looking forward to the being a leader of the band and helping not only my section but also the entire band get as great as we were this year,” junior Megan Lehmann said.