GSO win 2019 Dodgeball Tournament

More stories from Alberto Torres
Photo By: Molly Tilton
GSO poses with their medals after winning this year’s dodge ball tournament. They beat 210 Showtime, 2-1.
On Tuesday, April 9, Thursday, April 11, and Friday, April 12, the seniors and juniors participated in the annual dodgeball tournament during testing.
On Tuesday and Thursday, the teams competed amongst others in their grade level and after some very tough matches, GSO was the winner in the senior bracket and 210 Showtime was the winner in the junior bracket after a comeback victory in the junior finals.
“It was really cool you know, just the enjoyment and the environment that went on and just the competition that we had against the seniors,” junior Jayden Cloud said. “It was a really fun experience and I’m looking forward to many other events going on in the future.”
GSO and 210 Showtime went into Friday’s final game with some intensity. But in the end, GSO redeemed themselves after last year’s finals loss by beating 210 Showtime, 2-1.
“It was a great experience to dominate the sport with the same team for three years in a row,” senior Miriam Zavala said.
For GSO, it wasn’t just about winning, it was about the memories they made together in their final year of high school.
“It felt good to take time off school and have some friendly competition with my classmates for one of the last times,” senior Kevin Wood said. “It gave us an opportunity to just relax and enjoy each other.”
With around 30 school days left, the seniors and juniors can look forward to more fun, including kickball and Powder Puff. For exclusively seniors, there are Senior Olympics, Elephant Walk, and finally, Graduation.