The Fuel newspaper staff visits Texas State University

More stories from Madalynn Lambert
Photo By: Ashley Brown
The Fuel Newspaper staff stops for a picture while visiting Texas State. They spent the day touring the School of Journalism.
The journalism industry around the world is gradually changing. It’s important to expose the younger generations to these changes in order to only exceed the standards set.
Journalism is essential to the functionality of a good democracy.
On December 5, 2018, the Judson High School newspaper staff visited Texas State University in San Marcos to learn more about advanced technology and what journalism is like in college.
“It’s really great for students to get that exposure to post-secondary life,” publication advisor Mr. Pedro Cabrera said.
The staff visited buildings and classrooms that are strictly for journalism and mass communications. They were able to talk to some of the professors on campus.
“Texas State has a really good journalism program, one of three accredited programs in the state. It was good for our kids to see it,” Cabrera said.
Some students were truly inspired by the environment and now are actually considering staying in journalism after high school.
“I learned that newspaper is something I might want to do in college just to keep journalism alive in the world,” co-editor Izabella De La Garza said.
Depending on how the staff hits their deadlines, they could get the opportunity to visit even more college campuses.
“I’m really excited because it gives us the opportunity to venture out and experience journalism in different areas at different schools,” sports editor Raven Gatson said. “I think it’s necessary, so we don’t stay close minded within just our community.”