Volleyball falls to Clemens

More stories from Madalynn Lambert
Photo By: Madalynn Lambert
Sophomore Madelyn Thorton serves the ball to begin the next play againsts Clemens. She is the libero for the team. The Rockets fell to the Buffalos in three sets.
On Friday, October 4, the Lady Rockets volleyball team faced the Clemens Buffaloes at Clemens.
The Rockets started off strong with a kill from junior Genevieve Castruita and an assist from senior Jaeden Burroughs. They stayed consistent by going back-to-back with the Buffaloes for every point. With strong defense from sophomores Madelyn Thorton and Patience Whittaker, the Rockets were able to keep fighting. Towards the middle of the set, there was a shift in playing and the ladies kept the same energy instead of improving. Clemens took the first set 25-13.
To continue to the second set, the Rockets scored off of a kill from sophomore Jada Leal and had a few good defensive plays from the Rockets, but those few points weren’t enough. The Rockets lost the second set 7-25.
In the third set, the Rocket’s energy remained the same. Junior Tatyana Gladden and senior Tatiyana Frazier had some excellent defensive plays which encouraged the ladies to swing at every set they got, but the Buffaloes swung harder and took the third set 25-11.
The Lady Rockets will face the San Marcos Rattlers at San Marcos tonight.