Mrs. Tina Ramirez-Tubbs awarded Spirit of Judson Award

More stories from Madalynn Lambert
November 1, 2019
Photo By: Emma Tubbs
Dr. Jeanette Ball (left) takes a picture with Mrs. Tina Ramirez-Tubbs during the annual educator’s ceremony.
Hard work, dedication, and Rocket Pride. That is what ELA Teacher Tina Ramirez-Tubbs has demonstrated through her work each and every day at Judson High School.
On Monday, February 24, Tubbs was awarded the Spirit of Judson Award at the annual educator’s ceremony.
“It was very exciting,” Tubbs said. “I felt very honored. I think one of the most exciting things was that I had my home and school family there with me.”
Tubbs has been working in the district for 14 years, but has been a part of the district her whole life.
“I have been working for the district since 2002. I was a substitute and then I became a certified teacher in 2006 and started full time teaching in 2007.” Tubbs said. “I was the first one to graduate from here and then my daughter, Ms. Desaree Machuca. We are products of Judson ISD. We went to Olympia, Cornado and Judson. My daughter Emma is here at Judson HS and my son Timothy will come in two years.”
While growing with the district, she always remained to stay heavily involved as a sponsor. She is currently Senior and Junior Class Sponsor, Co- Sponsor of Student Council, Fueling the Rockets and part of the Discipline Committee.
“I have mentored a lot of teachers, and I tell them, ‘you’re going to get more gratification out of the extracurricular activities, than teaching.’” Tubbs said. “When you’re outside of the classroom and you’re working with this amazing group of five or fifteen officers, who want to lead a whole class into having these great memories that they can look back on, and you know you’re a part of that. That’s what’s going to keep you going the most. That’s really why I do it because I think it’s exciting to know that.”
However, with all of her hard work, she still found some humor in receiving the award.
“It’s kind of funny when you get an award for doing something that you love doing,” Tubbs said. “How cool is that? It’s interesting to get recognition for doing something you love so much.”
Even with so many major responsibilities at school, Tubbs always managed to juggle it all while putting her family first.
“With my dad having cancer, and [Mrs. Machuca] having her baby, and my daughter, Emma and my son, Timothy, I rely a lot on other people.” Tubbs said. “If it was not for Mrs. Matthews, my Senior Committee, my staff members, my officers, my children, my husband, my parents, and my administrative team, there is no way [I could do it.]”
With every event, and every ‘thank you’ she gets, she always ensures to thank everyone that helped.
“It is my senior committee and my class officers. They are the ones doing this,” Tubbs said. “It’s important that everyone knows that because it’s also a lesson for everyone to know that you cannot do anything alone. You have to have the support of other people. And they have to know that I believe in them.”
Tubbs always makes sure she evens out her responsibilities amongst people she trusts to make sure their job is done the correct way.
“If you aren’t willing to let other people step up and help, then there is no way you could get all that stuff done,” Tubbs said. “I am very blessed to have them. As long as God gives me the physical and mental ability to do it, and all these great people, then I will be able to continue to do it.”
Tubbs has always passed down valuable lessons to her students to inspire them to do better every day.
“You have to be able to build relationships with other people and communicate with them so that you all can help each other to get these things because one person cannot do it alone,” Tubbs said.
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