Review: This Is Everything

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On February 8, 2016, This Is Everything, a documentary directed by Barbara Kopple was released about famous Youtuber Giselle Loren Lazzarato, or more well known as Gigi Gorgeous, was originally born Gregory. The film describes her journey of being transgender and her story of inspiring millions of others to come out as well.

The movie begins with some heart warming videos of Giselle as a baby and her family describing her as full of life and a very happy child. Giselle’s father David Lazzarato described her as being very different from her brothers, saying that they never had enough time in the day to do everything that “Greg” wanted to do.

Throughout the movie, it shows Gregory’s struggle with figuring out who she is, first with coming out as gay to her family and then to the world. Using Youtube as an outlet, Gregory made Youtube video tutorials of his masterpiece make-up looks, with his subscribers and mother as his biggest supporters from all the discrimination that came with being gay.

Soon his problems became more real when his mother developed terminal cancer, and soon passed. Him and his family came together more than ever after their mother passing. But years later, he realized that “he” was a she.

She came out to her father and had some conflict with him over it, until Giselle starts getting reconstructive surgery to become a girl and her father looks back on his past reaction in regret.

As Giselles career was taking off on Youtube, she Gained more acceptance and became a self made Covergirl, with her fans as her sidekick to kicking haters butts.

This movie was heartfelt and true to her story. It conveys emotion through every second and helps you to truly understand her struggle and triumph over discrimination.