Counselors Begin Girls Body Image Group
Photo By: Claudia Quiroz
Mrs. Robinson, freshmen counselor, talks to The Fuel’s Denesha Dean about starting the girls body image group on campus. The group is aimed to discuss body image issues with young females in order for such issues to not develop later in life.
Judson High School has teamed up with Trinity University in an attempt to create a program that will help young ladies with body image issues.
“We will work from a script that is scientifically proven to help these girls with their body image,” says Mrs. Michelle Robinson, Judson counselor.
The school’s counselors have signed up to help pilot this program at Judson, along with the dance groups. This program is centered on group discussions and activities that are designed to help these ladies become comfortable with their body.
“Our program is goal oriented,” Robinson said. “Body issues are something everybody deals with and we want to be able to help.”
Programs like the one starting at Judson are not new and neither are body image issues. It wasn’t until Trinity reached out to Judson that a program was created. According to Robinson, in a survey done early in the year, action was never taken to discuss body image issues because it wasn’t a high priority on the students’ list.
“Students wanted to know more about academics than body image,” Robinson said.
Because this program is new, it will be offered only to females, but is open to any female that wants to join. There will be group sessions that are held during school for the girls in dance, and there will be after school sessions for those who want to join.
“I’m excited about it,” Robinson says. “I’m always willing to do more.”
Parent permission is required due to the unforeseen conversation topics that may arise, and to allow outside visitors to talk about their experiences.
The goal for next year is to make people aware of the program. The program was designed to be a safe haven for young girls to go to if they want to be heard, or if they want to know that they’re not alone with their problems.
“We want to help these young girls with their sense of self-esteem,” Robinson said. “You’re not perfect, and it’s okay that you’re not perfect.”