School Store Reopens
Photo By: Claudia Quiroz
The Judson school store will soon be reopening so that students can purchase any items they would like to show off their school pride. The store will be selling shirts, lanyards, and plenty more Rocket Pride memorabilia. The store is going to reopen on Monday, February 9.
“I’m excited about the opening of the store coming to reality after months of preparing with students,” Ms. Lucila Ovino said.
Shirts will range between $12 to $15, in all various sizes and designs. The store’s opening is perfect during pep rallies and game days, as students will be able to purchase Rocket merchandise.
The students that are working in the retail class are in charge of it, and are beyond excited, designing plenty of things for the shop to sell. A few things that the class had been working on are shirt’s and beanie’s designs. That gives students a lot to choose from.0
‘’We have shirts, beanies, and head warmers,” senior Victoria Trevino said. “Once we raise money, we’re trying to get lanyards with pockets and matching wristbands.”
One special thing the students have been working on is trying to get bleacher seats for sports games. That way everyone who gets bleacher seats can experience the whole game comfortably.
‘’I like the class because there is only 6 of us and we work together, we are like a family. ’’said Victoria Trevino
Now that the Judson store will be opening on Monday, they hope to see a big crowd. It will be a great opportunity to purchase Judson merchandise and support the school.