Science Club Becoming The Place To Be
Photo By: JaKaylah Raymond
Judson High School is a large campus that offers many opportunities for students to interact with each other and discover new interests. One way is to join one of the many engaging clubs that it offers. However, one club is quite more mysterious than the others: the Science Club.
The Science Club is sponsored by Mrs. Cole, a freshman Biology teacher, and is governed by President Essence Terry, Secretary Crystal Cruz, and Treasurer Stephen Renya. They are currently in the process of trying to elect a Vice-President and Parliamentarian – someone who can keep the group on task.
They mainly focus on Biology related sciences. For instance, they had a sloth, an African scorpion, a Mexican tarantula and a beaded dragon for the members to interact with in the last meeting. The club consists of ten welcoming members, and is accepting more until mid-November.
They cover a range of topics during meetings.
“We discuss what we want to do and thing were going to do outside of school,” President Essence Terry said. “We are working on a butterfly garden. We want to work with younger students, do some little science experiments for them.”
They don’t compete, but do plan to hold a mini-science fair for local children. However, instead of competing, they will showcase creations for each other. Likewise, they raise money by participating in Food Fest, selling Valentine’s and from receiving occasional donations.
They also go on field trips. Last year, they took a trip to the Witte Museum to explore the CSI: The Experience. On Thursday, October 28, 2014 the Science Club will be returning to the Witte Museum, but this time will be going through the Grossology Exhibit.
“It’ll definitely be a bonding experience and it’ll be science related,” Terry said. “It’ll be interesting and a way to bring the club together because a lot of our members aren’t super extroverted.”
Judson High School offers many interesting clubs that explore all different kind of interests. If you’re thinking about joining, the Science Club meets every other Wednesday from 4:30-5:30 PM in Mrs.Cole’s classroom at H211.
If you enjoy discovering new facts and meeting new people, then you should definitely become a member of the Science Club.