Spanish Club helps out at Thanksgiving Community Feast
More stories from Aaliyah Johnson
Photo By: Aaliyah Johnson
On November 19, 2016, Judson ISD had their 8th Annual Thanksgiving Community Feast and District showcase. This event was hosted at Wagner High School, where nearly 2,000 people were fed. While enjoying the food, everyone was able to enjoy music performances by some of the JISD schools.
This year, the Spanish Club, which consists of 20 members, signed up to lend a hand.
“The Spanish club members [were there] to serve meals, clean, or help in whatever capacity,” sponsor Aaron Guajardo said.
Volunteering in all shapes and forms strengthens our community, bringing people together and providing students with valuable experience and insight. With that in mind, the Spanish club assisted to achieve that objective.
“The Spanish club’s goal is learning to consider others and not just ourselves in the community,” Guajardo said.
Not only was this an event to help give back to the community, it allowed the district to showcase what it has to offer.
“I want people to know that JISD cares, remembers, and appreciates the people who live in their community and to inform them of the different programs the district offers, showcasing some of the school’s student talent,” Guajardo said.
The awareness of being thankful is important, mainly because there are needs and wants of others that aren’t as fortunate as many within a community.
“People should be thankful because we live in a country that has abundant resources,” Guajardo said.
The event was a way of Judson ISD giving back to the community and expresses acknowledgment to families and individuals who support our students and staff throughout the year.