Thirty students commit to Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy
More stories from Aaliyah Johnson
Photo By: Kathlin Trang
The Chick-fil-a Leader Academy, a year-round high school leadership development program, teaches students important leadership skills to impact others and become passionate leaders.
Chick-fil-A started this program to encourage leadership within the community. This year, they picked 30 students and plan to select thirty new students every year. They go through monthly leadership labs and videos that teach the students how to be leaders for today and for the future.
Through that leadership development, the students will go out and conduct community service projects.
“The program values community service and leadership,” facilitator Ms. Dawn Keane-Dawes said.
![Ms. Hill, Ms. Keane Dawes, Mr. Matthews, Mr. King, and Ms. Edwards are facilitators for the program.](
Ms. Hill, Ms. Keane Dawes, Mr. Matthews, Mr. King, and Ms. Edwards are facilitators for the program.
This program is all about, “Impact through Action,” and that is exactly what these young leaders are working on to achieve.
“I’m excited because it is the first time that we’re doing this,” Keane-Dawes said. “It’s a way to create leaders out of students that may not have opportunities already.”
The responsibility of the teachers and facilitators is really straightforward; they are to present the lab videos and give guidance along with instruction, making sure the students complete their task. In doing this, it helps the students mold into stronger leaders.
“Our job is to be positive role models, show the instructional videos and conduct the leadership stimulation,” Keane Dawes said. “We also help them with [community service] ideas, which all ideas are student generated. Finally, we make sure that the big impact project is done.”
There are many goals yet to be achieved in the program. The program is looking for young leaders to impact their high school peers, the community and thousands more.
“The overall goal is to be leaders in the community,” Keane-Dawes said.
The team is looking forward to a growing leadership success and creating an impactful first year in the program.
“I think a successful first year in this program for this year would be touching as many people in this community as possible, creating positive role models and setting a standard of excellence for future Chick-fil-A leader Academy candidates,” Keane-Dawes said.