Working hard to succeed
Senior Catherine Robinson attributes success in school to hard work and God
More stories from Aaliyah Johnson
Photo By: Claudia Quiroz
Senior Catherine Robinson was voted to be one of the “most likely to be successful after high school.” And it is not mistake why she received it.
Throughout Robinson’s high school years, she has dedicated and committed her focus to her school work, which has paid off.
“I work hard and do my best in everything I do and then the rest is just God’s grace,” Robinson said.
While some students procrastinate or just don’t do their homework, Robinson understands the importance and makes it a priority to get her work done.
“I usually have homework every night. I probably spend at least two to three hours if not more,” Robinson said.
She has been recognized academically and has received many awards. Like anyone else can do, she has put her mind to it and worked hard to get what she wants while also deserved.
“I received a scholarship from Texas A&M, the Presidential Achievement Scholarship, which is for $10,000. Then, I also received a scholarship for four thousand from Texas Legislative Black Caucus,” Robinson said. “I’m still waiting to hear back from other scholarships that I applied.”
She is on top of her game when it comes to learning. One of her preferred subjects is government.
“I really enjoyed AP Government this past fall. I love history in general, so that was a fun class,” Robinson said. “I enjoyed anatomy because I love learning about the human body. That fascinates me. That’s what I wanna study in college.”
Although some might say high school is hard, it was definitely a journey for Robinson.
“For me, high school has been busy, challenging, and exciting,” Robinson said.
Robinson isn’t sure of the future, but she does plan for the best.
“It will probably take me four years to go through college, so hopefully I’ll have my bachelor’s degree and working either as a teacher and coach, or if I decide a different route on the line, having a job and hopefully married and having kids,” Robinson said.
Besides being involved at school, she has also showed hard work helping younger children.
“I’m pretty involved with my church. I help a lot in the children’s ministry there,” Robinson said.
Other interest that Robinson has is playing and hanging out with her friends
“I love playing any type of sport with my friends like soccer, baseball, volleyball, and also going to the movies,” Robinson said.
Robinson determination to follow through her goal has helped her persevere the challenge that high school