Dancers and winterguard put on annual Judson Jubilee
Photo By: Kristalyn Bermudez
Varsity Color Guard performing their show at Judson Jubilee in the gym. The show is a annual performance done by the color guards and the dance teams.
On Wednesday, February 13, the Judson dance teams and color guards performed their spring contest routines for Judson Jubilee.
The Starlite officers kicked off the show, leading into a series of dances by the Galaxies, Satellites, and Starlites.
“We were a little shaky and improvement is always needed,” senior Mya Meza said. “But today, we pulled through and gave a good performance.”.
When it was Project Gemini’s turn to dance, they popped off with their energetic and synchronized dances.
“I was really excited. And of course, there is room for improvement, but I was really happy with our performance,” freshman Edwin Howell said.

After intermission, the color guards set up their props for their performances.
“We go to practice every single day to get ready before this, so we were prepared. I think everyone did a really good job,” freshman Kaitlyn Hendricks said.
After the color guard performances, the Starlites lead into another series of dances by the teams.
“Personally, everyone did amazing. I just know to go out there and be my best, so I can say that I’m satisfied with today’s performances,” senior Veronica Alcantar said.
Despite some technical difficulties, the dancers pulled through and danced to the best of their ability.
“I think we did good, everyone tried their best. I just hope that next time we don’t have so many technical difficulties,” sophomore Emily Stein said.
At the end, the performers left those watching awed by their talent.
“I think my dancers are always nervous when they perform, but they always give their 100 percent. I’m really proud of them,” dance director Mrs. Sarah Howe said.