Multiple organizations put on Lifeskills Valentine’s Day Dance
Photo By: Madalynn Lambert
Lifeskills students pose for a photo at the 5th annual valentines dance. A previous Judson teacher started this up as a community service project, and it has since been kept as an event for the Lifeskills.
On February 6, 2019, the campus’ Lifeskills students had their 5th Annual Valentine’s Dance.
This dance brings together not only the Lifeskills students and their families, but also other organizations on campus such as softball athletes, FCCLA students, FCS students, and students in the child services practicum and counseling and mental health practicum.
“The Lifeskills don’t really have an event for them. They barely go to the Homecoming Dance. After the first dance, the parents were asking if we were doing it again because they liked being there and being with their kids. So, we kept at it for the sake of the Lifeskills kids,” FCCLA teacher Ms. Jennifer Kowalik said.

Having a dance specifically for Lifeskills students was started up by former FCCLA teacher Carrie Hill and Kowalik. Her program, Pre-Resistant Leadership, had this dance as their event five years ago. Hill decided to have her Family Community Service kids join in on it. The purpose of this dance was for the Lifeskills students to be able to feel comfortable and have fun all together just for them.
“It’s not just a dance for the life skills students. It’s a time to let loose with their newly made friends or old friends from all the organizations. This tradition leaves a really heartwarming feel for everyone involved to just have fun and dance the night away. This dance is more than just a dance – there’s a bigger picture to it,” senior Raina Ramos said.
As a simple idea one year and continuing to happen annually, it has become a hit with students and parents. It is welcoming to all students and has grown in involvement from multiple organizations, resulting in one of the best traditions the school has.