Through a year of tragedy, Seals finds strength through teaching
Photo By: Kiela Ramos
Students may not realize that teachers have a life outside the walls of their class room. They deal with real life issues – children and marriages, money and taxes. Sadly, the death of a loved one is one of these real life issues. Many have reached the age where they see their parents pass. However, many of them do not experience the death of their spouse right after the death of their parents.
Mr. William Seals, geometry teacher, has experienced such devastation. Not only did he lose his father, but he also lost his wife in one school year. More so, he is dealing with major health issues. However, he still manages to come to school every day and teach his students.
“Seeing students understand the concept and exhibiting personal growth is one of the best things about teaching,” Seals said.
He is currently in his 12th year teaching, and fourth year at Judson, after previous careers of model making and researching.
“I am going through a phase,” Seals said. “Teaching is just a phase.”
Needless to say, his life took a dramatic turn last year. First, Seals father passed away due to old age.
“We talked every day,” Seals said. “I still wait for him to call me when there’s a football or baseball game to talk about what’s going on.”
Seals father was a massive influence on his well-being, how he is as an adult now.
“He was a very amazing, intelligent man,” Seals said. “He ended up having 13 or 14 patents, and he was so well versed in so many topics that you can always go to him for advice. He was a huge influence in my life. He taught me about integrity and honesty and honor.”
Sadly, this wasn’t the end of his tragic year. At the end of the last school year, Seals dealt with the loss of his wife.
“I miss her every day,” Seals said.
The two were married for 43 years, which is rare to see in this generation.
“It’s left a huge gap in my existence,” Seals said.
Even through these hardships, Seals has still managed to continue on teaching his students by using different and effective teaching tactics due to his experiences in life.
“I use stories to teach, not just about geometry, but about life,” Seals said. “There is an undo influence of things outside of school that are detrimental to the education process, but those students that are succeeding put forth the effort to overcome those influences.”